Salt Water Fish Pet

Yellow Tang

New Fish Tank Tips: Research, research and research some more. It’s a really good idea to get as much information as possible on a fish before buying it.
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Yellow Tang

Quick StatisticsTemperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Family: Acanthuridae
Native To: Hawaii, Indo-Pacific
Diet: Herbivore
Adult Size: Up to 8″
Temperature: 72 – 78°F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.026; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 55+ gallons
Scientific Name: Zebrasoma flavescens
Environment: Marine

One of the most popular Tangs or Surgeonfish
Tend to be most aggressive towards fish of similar form and color
Needs plenty of live rock and decor to provide several hiding spots and a wide area for swimming

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