Stocking Fish Tips: Slowly acclimate fish to your current setup or preferrably a quarantine tank. When bringing home new fish, dump the bag contents (fish and water) into a clean (used only for fish) 5-gallon bucket and then add about 1 cup of aquarium water to the 5 gallon bucket every 10 minutes. Continue to add 1 cup of aquarium water to the 5-gallon bucket every 10 minutes. After an hour or so your fish should be ready to add to the aquarium.
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Sailfin Tang – Red Sea
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Family: Acanthuridae
Native To: Red Sea
Diet: Herbivore
Adult Size: Up to 16″
Temperature: 72 – 78°F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.026; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Size: 55+ gallons
Scientific Name: Zebrasoma desjardini
Environment: Marine
Also known as the Desardjini Tang
Can change its appearance by extending or retracting its dorsal and anal fins
May be aggressive towards other tangs
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