New Fish Tank Tips: Research, research and research some more. It’s a really good idea to get as much information as possible on a fish before buying it.
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Flame Hawkfish
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Aggressive
Reef Safe: With Caution
Family: Cirrhitidae
Native To: Indo-Pacific
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 4″
Water Current: Low to Moderate
Temperature: 72-78°F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 30+ Gallons
Scientific Name: Neocirrhitus armatus
Environment: Marine
Perches on rocks and branches to swoop down on its prey
Popular hawkfish due to coloration
Will eat any shrimp and may harass smaller community fish
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