New Fish Tank Tips: If you enjoy reading, go to the library or buy tropical fish books. Get a couple of books on aquarium information or the species you are interested in getting. Reading a book is probably the fastest way to get up to speed and it provides a great reference for the future. On this site you can find some of the fish books we’ve reviewed.
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Red Turquoise Discus
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Community
Family: Cichlidae
Native To: Amazon River Basin
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 12″
Temperature: 80° – 84°F
Care Level: Difficult
Tank Size: 30+ gallons
Scientific Name: Symphysodon spp
Environment: Freshwater
The body of the Discus is round and laterally compressed, an unusual characteristic of the Cichlidae family which makes it suitable for gliding through tall aquarium grasses. Discus are vibrantly colored with vertical or horizontal stripes. The Red Turquoise Discus has stunning red and turquoise stripes with red eyes and highlights on the fins. Provide plenty of substrate, rocks and hiding spots, especially plants. Discus require soft water so a water conditioner is highly recommended.
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