Feeding Your Fish Tips: Do not overfeed your fish. Try for two small feedings per day instead of one large feeding. Give your fish a small pinch of food and see if they eat it all within a minute or two. If you see flakes floating to the bottom of the tank, then you put in too much food. That is, unless you have bottom feeders. Overfeeding will lead to poor aquarium water quality and will increase the stress levels in your fish.
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Assorted Swordtails
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Community
Family: Poeciliidae
Native To: Central America
Diet: Omnivore
Adult Size: Up to 4″
Temperature: 72° – 82°F
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 10+ gallons
Scientific Name: Xiphophorus helleri
Environment: Freshwater
Female Swordtails lack the long “sword” that male swordtails have
Well suited for community tanks
Come in a variety of patterns and colorations
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