Since 1939, scientists have thought the “barreleye” fish Macropinna microstoma had “tunnel vision” due to eyes that were fixed in place. Now though, Monterey Bay Aquarium researchers show that the fish actually has a transparent head and the eyes rotate around inside of it. From the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute: Contents of this page belong to
Author: adminfl
Psychedelic fish Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia – A funky, psychedelic fish that bounces on the ocean floor like a rubber ball has been classified as a new species, a scientific journal reported. The frogfish — which has a swirl of tan and peach zebra stripes that extend from its aqua eyes to its tail — was initially discovered by scuba diving instructors working for a tour operator a year ago in shallow waters off Ambon island in eastern Indonesia.
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Yellow-tail Blue Damsel
Fish Disease Tips: Remove any carbon in your fish tank filters before using medications because the carbon will remove medication that you add to your water.
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Red Coris Wrasse – Juvenile
New Fish Tank Tips: Research aquarium equipment before you buy it. Use google (top right of this page) or any search engine, and type in the particular model you are interested in and read what others have to say about it.
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Red Coris Wrasse – Adult
New Fish Tank Tips: Learn about the fish tank nitrogen cycle. This is a crucial process that you must understand if you want to have long term success with tropical fish.
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Randall’s Goby
New Fish Tank Tips: Get the biggest tank you can afford. A larger aquarium generally means that your aquarium water parameters will be more stable. A bigger tank gives you some room for error, like when a fish dies and you don’t notice it right away. Or, for instance, when your heater breaks and the stores are closed. The water temperature should be more stable in a bigger tank.
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Yellow Tang
New Fish Tank Tips: Research, research and research some more. It’s a really good idea to get as much information as possible on a fish before buying it.
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Yellow Eye Kole Tang
New Fish Tank Tips: Realize that if you do things correctly, this can be a long-term commitment. Some fish species can live for a very long time if cared for properly.
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Valentini Puffer
Breeding Fish Tips: When breeding tropical freshwater fish, always make note of temperature, ph, water quality, food intake and unusual behavior. That way you can breed fish again easily by recreating these conditons or by observing unusual behavior between pairs. You set yourself up for the possibilities of new arrivals.
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Undulated Trigger
Breeding Fish Tips: Make sure that you have the necessary equipment before you start breeding fish. If you don’t have the space to keep the fry and don’t have anyone you can give them to, please don’t keep males and females in the same tank. This is especially applicable to those keeping livebearer fish like Mollies, Platies, the Guppy and the Swordtail.
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