Aquarium Lighting Tips: If you are wanting to keep aquarium plants, be sure to research their light requirements first. Determine if you can meet those requirements with your existing lights or if you need more wattage, which might require a different and usually more expensive aquarium hood.
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The Pearl Danio (Danio albolineatus) is a tropical fish belonging to the minnow family (Cyprinidae). Originating in Sumatra, Burma, and Thailand, this fish is sometimes found in community tanks by fish keeping hobbyists. It grows to a maximum length of 2.6 inches (6.5 cm) and lives for around 5 years. The fish could have a brownish-yellow, pink, or a silver body and two light yellow/white or blue/red stripes. It has an iridescent look. The fish has two pairs of barbels.
They can live happily in pairs, but ideally should be kept in shoals of 6 or more.
Two other danios, both formerly named are currently deemed synonyms of the Pearl Danio
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