Breeding Fish Tips: Make sure that you have the necessary equipment before you start breeding fish. If you don’t have the space to keep the fry and don’t have anyone you can give them to, please don’t keep males and females in the same tank. This is especially applicable to those keeping livebearer fish like Mollies, Platies, the Guppy and the Swordtail.
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Undulated Trigger
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Aggressive
Reef Safe: No
Family: Balistidae
Native To: Sri Lanka, Indo-Pacific, Fiji
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 12″
Temperature: 72-78° F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4, dKH 8-12
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 50+ Gallons
Scientific Name: Balistapus undulatus
Environment: Marine
Vividly colored with green, blue and orange
Will rearrange décor, rocks and gravel
Dog-like personality
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