Salt Water Fish Pet

Formosa Wrasse – Adult

New Fish Tank Tips: Get the biggest tank you can afford. A larger aquarium generally means that your aquarium water parameters will be more stable. A bigger tank gives you some room for error, like when a fish dies and you don’t notice it right away. Or, for instance, when your heater breaks and the stores are closed. The water temperature should be more stable in a bigger tank.
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Formosa Wrasse – Adult

Quick StatisticsTemperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: No
Family: Labridae
Native To: Africa
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 24″
Temperature: 72 – 78°F
Water Parameters: sq 1.020-1.026;pH 8.1-8.4;dKH 8-12
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Size: 55+ gallons
Scientific Name: Coris formosa
Environment: Marine

Appearance is very different from the Juvenile Formosa Wrasse
Quick and agile swimme, will hunt its food downr
Not reef safe as it will pick on inverts

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