Fish Disease Tips: Figure out what caused the fish disease or problem in the first place. Has your tank completed the aquarium nitrogen cycle? Did you quarantine the new fish? Have you been keeping up on those water changes? What are the readings on your aquarium test kits?
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Diana’s Hogfish
Quick StatisticsTemperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: No
Family: Labridae
Native To: Fiji, Sri Lanka
Diet: Carnivore
Adult Size: Up to 10″
Temperature: 72-78°F
Water Parameters: sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.3; dKH 8-12
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Size: 55+ Gallons
Scientific Name: Bodianus diana
Environment: Marine
Active species great for fish-only tanks
Does best in a tank that does not have passive fish
Eats crabs and snails
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