Fresh Water Fish Pet

Zebra Danio

Stocking Fish Tips: For new tanks, be sure the fish that you add to your tank are hardy. After the tank has aged for a few months, less hardy fish can be added. A tank needs to “mature” (complete the aquarium nitrogen cycle) before it can accomodate certain species of fish. Submitted by: Dahly
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Zebra Danio

Quick StatisticsTemperament: Community
Family: Cyprinidae
Native To: South East Asia
Diet: Omnivore
Adult Size: Up to 3″
Temperature: 72° – 82° F
Care Level: Easy
Tank Size: 10+ gallons
Scientific Name: Brachydanio rerio
Environment: Freshwater

Danios are a great fish for beginning aquarists as they are very hardy. They are sometimes called “perpetual motion with fins” because they are an active schooling fish. The Zebra Danio is silver or gold in color with blue to purple stripes. This schooling fish does best in aquariums with other community fish, plants to hide in and plenty of space to swim. Commonly used as a “dither fish ” which essentially communicates to other fish that the open water activity of the Danio means everything is normal. This allows reclusive and shy fish to be seen more frequently.

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